Hi folks! Let us brighten up your mood :)

We're excited to introduce Live Share, enabling real-time sharing of vehicle information with your customers.

Customers in the dark about their delivery? Customers don’t know where the truck is? Partner companies can’t access vehicle status? These are hurdles of the past!

With Live Share, you can now effortlessly share your vehicles with customers, partners, and colleagues in a secure and customizable manner.

How Live Share Transforms Fleet Sharing

Imagine giving your customers the power to track their deliveries live, keeping them informed every step of the way. No more guesswork or anxious waiting – with Live Share, they'll have real-time updates, ensuring complete peace of mind.

If your company is renting out vehicles, Live Share becomes a game-changer. Now, you can instantly share your fleet's location and availability with partner companies, streamlining communication, and making logistics a breeze.

But it doesn't end there. Live Share empowers you with total control over sharing options. You can set time limits, allowing temporary access to your vehicles and ensuring that you maintain the highest level of security and privacy.

You can also disable shares at any moment, granting you full flexibility and preventing unauthorized use. Customize each share to match specific requirements, tailoring the experience to fit your unique business needs.

Leverage Live Share to take your demonstrations to a whole new level! Within the tool, you can share real-time vehicle movements during presentations, captivating your audience and providing an interactive and immersive experience. Make your business stand out and reinforce your professionalism!

Embrace a future of seamless tracking and sharing: Live Share opens up endless possibilities for customer satisfaction, streamlined logistics, and enhanced collaboration!

Let’s dive into the possibilities of Live Share and explore how you can implement them to reach new heights.

Key Functionality of Live Share:

1. Categorization by Status

With Live Share, you can categorize your fleet shares into three statuses: active, planned, and passed shares. This intelligent categorization streamlines your management process, enabling you to focus on the most relevant data and make informed decisions in real time.

1. Categorization by status

2. Two Tabs for Easy Sharing

Simplify your fleet sharing with the "My Shares" and "Company Shares" tabs. Effortlessly navigate through your fleet shares, manage vehicle availability, and oversee the distribution of your vehicles within your organization.

The feature is treasure, but that’s not even it!

2. Two tabs for easy sharing

3. Quick Termination with "End Share" Button

Maintain complete control over your shared vehicles with the "End Share" button. Swiftly terminate a vehicle share when the pre-defined time limit is reached or when any unforeseen circumstances arise, ensuring optimal control and efficient fleet allocation.

End Share Button

4. Direct Email Share Links

Seamlessly email your fleet share links directly from the FleetChaser platform. Eliminate unnecessary complexities and expedite the sharing process with this convenient feature.

Direct Email Share Links

Live Share Use Case

You may be wondering how you can implement Live Share to boost your fleet business. We’ll guide you through some practical applications of its features.

Say you’re renting trucks. This is how Live Share can help you in your day-to-day activities:

  • You can track the whereabouts of the vehicles, check if there are any delays, and determine where they occurred and why;
  • Easily share the trucks’ location with your team;
  • If you need to report the truck's location to someone, simply share the link;
  • You can always stay in touch with the driver in case of any delay.

What Now?

Live Share is there to connect you and anyone who might need to access your vehicle’s status. Sharing fleet information has never been so simple — with a click of a button, parties with the share link will be able to easily track deliveries or assets.

There’s no time to waste — optimize your business now and experience the collaborative power of fleet visibility and the practicality of organization enabled by Live Share.

Stay ahead of the competition and drive your success with our new feature!