Our latest releases

Release Notes

Stay up to date with the newest updates and improvements in FleetChaser.

📣 Redesigned Navigation and Location list

Introducing streamlined navigation in Fleet Chaser.

Offering enhanced user convenience with expanded workspace views and quick menu item switching, consolidating all site navigation in one place for improved clarity and efficiency. Read more


Introducing new locations list.

We've given it a fresh look and added handy features. In the locations list, you'll now find:
1. Vehicles count icon on the card's right side. Hover over it to get a quick glimpse of equipment types and the number of active units.
2. Below the location name, you'll spot a timestamp displaying the latest activity in that location for improved visibility and management.


🔧 Bug Fixes and Improvements ⭐

  • Locations - Fixed: Previously, you couldn't save "Note" in "Driving instructions" without setting "Max Speed." Now, you can successfully save "Driving instructions" with just the "Note" field filled in, as expected.
  • Locations - Fixed: Previously, when editing a location and exceeding the limit, the location did not return to its previous size. Now, when the limit is exceeded during location editing, the location size will correctly revert to its previous dimensions as expected.
  • Vehicles - Fixed: Previously, the driver list showed archived employees, which was not the intended behavior. We have resolved this issue, and now deleted employees are no longer displayed in the list of drivers as expected, without requiring a page reload.
  • Improved mobile range picker - Provide more flexibility in date selection. You can now input a custom year of your choice, allowing you to select the specific year that best fits your needs, providing greater convenience and control.
  • Map/Non-tracker - Previously, markers were not displayed when switching to "Timeline" mode after changing the location. We've addressed this issue, and now all markers will be correctly displayed when you switch to "Timeline" mode as expected.
  • Vehicles and Employees groups - We've improved the group list to provide better visibility of items within. You will now see the number of employees and vehicles in the Employee and Vehicle groups, making it easier to keep track of your group's contents.