📣Introducing the Blog on our Home Page!
- We're excited to share valuable insights aimed at enhancing your fleet management practices through practical solutions. Our blog will serve as a knowledge hub, offering useful tips to elevate the quality of your fleet management.
- Additionally, the blog will delve into in-depth articles focusing on the functionality of new features in Fleet Chaser. These articles will provide a clearer understanding of how these features work and the tangible benefits they bring to your fleet management efforts.

Stay informed and empowered with our informative blog posts!
🔧 Bug Fixes and Improvements ⭐
- Reports/Route Map - Fixed: Previous vehicle path displayed on Route Map when selecting new vehicle. Route Map now accurately shows only the selected vehicle's path.
- Live share - Fixed: Editing "Passed" Live Share sessions issue. Users can now edit "Passed" Live Share sessions by restoring with a new date.
- Employees - Fixed Issue: Editing groups without employees now functional. Previously, editing groups without any employees led to empty Name and Description fields, and a missing color palette. Users can now seamlessly edit employee groups even when no employees are present. Name, Description, and color palette are all operational.