Our latest releases

Release Notes

Stay up to date with the newest updates and improvements in FleetChaser.

👨‍💼Feature: New label for employees with "admin" rights.

Introducing a new feature to our application. With this update, we have added a new label for employees with "admin" rights.

  • This label will be displayed on both the Employees list and employee cards, and will help to clearly distinguish employees with admin rights from those with other roles, such as "operator".
  • This feature will enhance the visibility and organization of employee data within our application.

Lable "Admin"

🔧 Bug Fixes and Improvements ⭐

  • We have resolved an issue affecting the MAP page in our application. Previously, some users were experiencing difficulty loading the map and the location tab. With this update, the map and location tab will now load successfully, providing users with a seamless experience when viewing the map and tracking their vehicles.
  • Bug fix for Employees - The "Send invite to the system" option when creating a new employee.
    Previously, if the user had the "Owner" role, the "Send invite to the system" option was inactive when creating a new employee. However, this issue has been resolved, and the "Send invite to the system" option is now active for all roles when creating a new employee.
  • We have made a change to the camera settings button on the vehicles page. Previously, the button was active even for users who did not have access to the cameras. With this update, the button will be disabled for users who do not have camera access, providing a better user experience and preventing confusion.