Our latest releases

Release Notes

Stay up to date with the newest updates and improvements in FleetChaser.

📣 New Features:

🕵️‍♂️1. Added "Filter by Admin" option in Employees list for easy identification of employees with administrative roles.


🌎 2. Added support for new states (Alaska and Hawaii) on the map(dashboard), providing a complete representation of the United States.


🔧 Bug Fixes and Improvements ⭐

  • Fixed error "400" when creating an employee with an email address. Employees can now be successfully added as expected.
  • Fixed issue where vehicle path was not displayed accurately in the "Traveling" tab of the Map/Timeline feature.
  • Implemented a new design for archived employees (Operators) in the system:
    1. Removed opacity effect.
    2. Added "Archived" label to employee list.
    3. Included "Archived + data archived" label on each employee's card.
  • Fixed issue where "+ Assign vehicle" button was available for archived employees. Now only the "unarchive" option is displayed for archived employees as expected.
  • Resolved issue with infinite loading and inactivity of the "DVR Settings" button in the Vehicles/DVR section. The button is now displayed correctly and active as expected.
  • Fixed issue where a speed of 1 mile was displayed when the vehicle was stopped with the engine switched off. Speed is now correctly shown as 0 in such cases.